Why Apple’s Logo Has a Bite Taken Out of It?


Why Apple’s Logo Has a Bite Taken Out of It?

If you take a look at Apple’s famous logo design, you might notice a curved piece missing. It’s a bite mark in the fruit—but why is it there? We’ll explain the history and meaning behind the bite.

It Makes the Apple Shape Obvious

To develop the company’s early branding, Apple Computer, Inc. hired the Regis McKenna ad agency in 1977 (with a relationship that began in 1976). McKenna himself assigned the task of designing Apple’s logo to Rob Janoff, a graphic designer who worked for the firm.

According to a 2018 interview with Forbes, Janoff described the unique thematic opportunity provided by the contrast between a machine and a natural piece of fruit. “I just wanted to make the computer easy and fun to be around,” he said, and he thought including the approachable image of an apple fruit was a must.

While designing the Apple logo, Janoff created the iconic silhouette of an apple in a form very close to what we’re all familiar with today. In the process, he added a bite mark to make it obvious that the fruit depicted in the logo is an apple and not another fruit with a similar silhouette—like a cherry, for example.

Our impression of what the Apple logo would look like without a bite mark (left) vs. the real logo.

Not only does the bite mark imply that the shape represents a fruit you’d typically take a bite out of while eating (as Apples are commonly eaten), but it also gives the apple shape a sense of scale. If you assume the bite came from an adult human mouth, the fruit is too large to be a cherry

Janoff says the bite mark has no deeper symbolic meaning, and that he was unaware of the computer term “byte” while designing the logo. (Also, it has nothing to do with Alan Turing.)

Further playing off the bite mark, Janoff nestled the curvature of the lowercase “A” in the original Apple logotype into the negative space of the apple shape itself. Today, the original lowercase “apple” logotype is long gone, but a similar curvature remains.

Apple Computer, Inc.’s abbreviated logo in 1977, which shipped on the Apple II computer.

The six color bands in the original logo signified the color capabilities of the Apple II computer, which were unique at the time for a computer of its price range. Apple dropped the original six-color logo for a monochrome design in 1998

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